Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wondering about this old Stetson. TIA

I have this old Stetson, believe it to be 40's to 50's era but not certain. It is in good condition but was worn. Box is very tatterted but still holds it. Looks like a leather band on the inside and on it has printed as shown in pics. Karoll's Chicago, Royal Stetson Playboy with the John B Stetson Co logo next to it. Size is 7 3/8, 2 1/2" brim. Feather looks a little ruffled. Am going to list it but I don't want to list a $10 hat at more or a $100 hat at $10. Any ideas where to price this? Thanks.

Orignal From: Wondering about this old Stetson. TIA

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