Thursday, October 8, 2009

OMG some people...

Okay so I am probably about to get my very first shiny Neg from a clearly delusional woman. Sold her am item. She got it today, says "it was a bit too small, your measurements were off, I don't like how it looks on me" Oh and "positive feedback upon my refund" which sounds like extortion, but not overly blatant. Alarm goes off in my head on that statement, and the fact that she did not got into detail as to HOW the item was too small? Bust?? Waist?? And HOW off? An inch? Two? I respond back asking her to clarify how was it too small, and was it just that it did not look right or what? Did she measure it with measuring tape (since we all know most females like to think we are one measurement, when we are really another..). Which measurement was it? And what? I did state my return policy to her to be sure she understood it (as I like to cover my bases in case of scammers, which has become MUCH more prevalent lately, but I do make returns/refunds, in fact just had one today, lady was really nice about the mistake I admitted to, she is shopping with me again). Well she writes back flying off the handle at me, going off about how she can PROVE I am wrong, she measured it with tape, and is gonna take a pic! She was VERY hostile in her remarks. She says I was extremely exactly? But before I can even respond to that, she sent another email, EVEN MORE rude, where she cut and pasted my return policy and went off on every part of it underneath each line! Um lady I know my return policy, I wrote it ya know? THEN,,,oh this is the good part! She says "You say in the auction that the hips were 42 inches. Well I measured the hips and they were 40 inches!!!!" OMG I about died, that is when I knew she was a loon....because...wait for it....the auction SAYS the hips are 40 inches!!!!!! OMG so clearly I did NOT make a mistake! But amused, I wrote her back calling her on this, and asking so how exactly was I wrong when we both had the same measurement. I told her she must have misread the auction and mistook 40 for 42 (since the waist measurement above it says 32 she might have read them mixed up). Well instead of her writing me back and saying "OOOPS, ok you were right, your stated measurements were correct I read them wrong, but it is still too small, can you please make exception?" ...she flies off the handle again. She COMPLETELY ignores the 42/40 issue, does not even address it, and goes off on me, about "I am not happy! I will never shop with you again! why do I throw return policy on her face? why don't I just admit I don't take returns??? I am leaving you negative feedback!" Completely skips over the whole measurement issue....sounds like a guilty conscience to me... So apparently she is leaving me Neg because she is not happy...ummm..not happy with WHAT exactly? You just proved to me that my measurement was correct! GAH! Well I wrote her back asking why she did not address and respond to the 40/42 issue. So why is she not happy? And that I DO do returns, quite happily, and just had one today, and had another one a few weeks ago, and have no problem with it at all.. All I asked was for her to tell me exactly how I made a mistake when we both had the same measurement! I told her to go back and re-read the measurements on the auction page! Well it's obvious she did, and realised "oh carp!" and instead of being a reasonable mature level headed human, she decides to go on the defensive with me and threaten me with a Neg. If she had just admitted that, I would have been nice and let her return it and offer it to the underbidder...but NOOOOO.... I did though inform her that feedback extortion for a refund was against eBay policy... Well once she leaves me a neg, you can all add her to your BBL! OMG like I am gonna cry myself to sleep if she leaves me a neg...PFFFFTT! I will wear it with pride! I will print it up and tack it to my wall! Anyhoo, sorry for the long rambling...thought you guys should know!

Orignal From: OMG some people...

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