Saturday, September 10, 2011

Understanding Home Tanning Beds

Tanning 101
For the past ten years, I have been helping gemercial and Residential Tanning customers across the country. Whether it be purchasing a Home Tanning Bed, relampingyour bed with new bulbs,or fully planning a new20-30 unit tanning salon; I have always strived to give my customers the best product for their money.
My most gemon question for those looking to purchaseTanning Lamps-" What is the best price you have on lamps for my bed?"
If you are considering relamping your bed this guide is for you. There are over 1000 different lamps on the market for tanning equipment. The real truth is that there are only about a handful of manufacturers in the world, and many lamps are similiar with different names on them. All of these lamps are not created equal and one gepany's lamp for a 20-30 minute bed (100 watt)may be bought for under $10 a lamp-and another lamp may cost $18 a lamp. These is a big range in price, and as good consumers we usually go for the "best deal." (the cheapest lamp)For the past 10 years, I have received calls about lamps-the customer typically says "What is thebest price you have on lamps for my be?."I will tell them "yes, I have a cheap lamp and it will last 800-1000 hours just like thelamp that costs more money- but I do not regemend it. Why? Tanning lamps are NOT created equal." What does this mean?When these lamps are put to the test with a UV(ultraviolet- ie: Tanning Power) light meter, the cheap lamp will tan you at first, but the output drops at a very fast rate as the bed is used more and more. I then regemend a lamp that may cost a little more( but nowhere near the $18 a lamp price). The lampI regemend will have good output and as thebedis used, the output drops at a lot slower rate.(such as my 80

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