Friday, September 9, 2011

My Acnexus Experience

Cliff Notes: works for me, with some tweaking...for details, read on.I found myself earlier this year looking at my face in the mirror early one morning as I was getting ready to go to work. I remember thinking "This **** has to stop." Here I am, at 34 years of age, looking at another strategically-placed zit on my cheek.I've never been a "pizza face", even in my teens. At my worst, I got acne that liked to resemble sideburns down the sides of my face, and I'd get that one or two zits on my forehead that could be seen miles away. But even as I got older, two or three times a month I would still get these danged things that defied Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) and Salicylic Acid (SA). And as anyone who gets acne knows, these things never pop up under the radar, they take the high-ground on your forehead, your nose, your cheeks. I had recently been getting them on my temples, in pairs, on opposite sides.I am not one of those people who has tried everything...I tried many of the OTC brands, I tried creams, pads, etc. But nothing worked consistently, so I stopped...I'd clear up for a few days while other less noticeable acne remained, then I'd break out. I came to accept my fate.But that morning, a couple months ago I had literally had it. It had to stop, as Diddy says in one famous gemercial for another acne product.I did some research online, of course. I was bent on buying the product that Diddy was using (I mean, it's Puffy, gee on). But my research led me instead to okay and Acnexus. Instead of a multi-soultion approach, it was one scrub out of one bottle, up to three times daily. And the okay price could not be beat.So I get this stuff, and it is an exfoliant scrub--there is a pumice-type of ingredient that does the mechanical scrubbing when you rub it into your face. There is also this's hard to describe. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but you won't be impressing anyone with it, either (much better than any OTC acne product, though). I used it just like directed, using the regemended amount for about two minutes, three times daily.After the first day, my face was definitely feeling softer, no doubt. I guess it felt "healthier", but that's so subjective. And I followed the routine almost religiously, never going less than twice a day for about three weeks. So, how about the acne?If you read through my feedbacks posted for sellers, I said for Acnexus "Meh I am still breaking out, but not as bad. A seller, prolly best product used" a little less than two weeks ago. At the time, it was true. I was still breaking out, but as stated, it seemed to be working better than anything else I had tried before. Maybe it was the consistency of effort, maybe it is the product.Two weeks after that feedback, I am more of a believer, but I had to change my tactics a bit. I no longer wash my face with Acnexus for two minutes/three times daily. I do a minute or so in the AM, and about a minute before bed. I also started using my CVS-brand Benzoyl Peroxide as a "spot check" on acne that had started to break through...the two together have me looking as clear as I have since...the Reagan Administration, when I was eleven or something.Why the deviation from the instructions? I think--and I think and analyze--a lot. It occurred to me that in sports, different athletes respond to different exercises...differently. Same with medications. Same with study techniques--we're all unique at least to some extent. I wondered if maybe the six minutes a day of Acnexus wasn't too much? And maybe once I used the stuff, maybe it would make the BP work better? Acnexus does not use BP because it dehydrates--that makes sense. But BP occasionally worked for me, and that was when I was haphazzard in my approach to fighting this scourge. So I strategically re-added it to my weapons of choice in this ongoing fight. It seems to work for me. And for the record, I have not altered my diet or changed anything in my normal routine that may or may not affect facial acne. The fact that my wife says my back still has a few "nice ones" tells me I am the same boy I used to as ever with my shirt off, I guess. And I have ONLY used Acnexus on my face.So if you, internet shopper with (facial) acne issues, asked me if Acnexus is the real deal, I would say yeah. I'd offer that you need to give it a fair shake, the way they say to do it, and then make tweaks to your strategy as you notice things. For the record, I am about half-done with my first bottle, and it's been well over a month. I'll be purchasing more, no doubt. Does this preclude me from trying any other acne product out there? No, if something gees along even more convenient and at least as effective as Acnexus, of course I'll try it. But for now, this is what I will use in order to have better early-morning experiences while looking in the mirror.

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