Sunday, September 4, 2011

Whey Protein The Truth: natedogstlyes The Protein Baron

Whey protein is the number one supplement among weight trainers and athlete's, and for good reason. When you exercise hard you break down muscle tissue. In order to rebuild muscle, you must consume plenty of protein. Whether you get it from meat, eggs, or powder is not so import, just consume lots of protein.
Why whey protein? Whey protein is so popular because it is easy to mix, tastes good, and is quickly absorbed by the body. Also, whey contains all the amino acids necessary to build muscle; this is why it is called a geplete protein.
When should I take it? The best time to take whey is right after a workout. Your muscles will suck it up like crazy. Also, first thing in the morning is always good, since you've been fasting all night long.
Is whey natural? It gees from dairy but is low lactose. It is not a drug or anything bad. It is food.
Where can I get some at a good price? If I do say so myself, you can get it from me, natedogstyles, or at my store, The Protein Baron.

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