Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Do "spells and enchantments" really work?

One of the things I see listed over and over on okay are offers for someone to "cast a spell" on the buyers behalf thus promising them success in love, business and a host of other endeavors. But the question most people ask when looking for some magical boost to their life is: "do these spells really work"?
The answer is a geplex one. Do I believe that I can spend thirty dollars and "buy" my good fortune? No. But I DO believe that I can influence the powers that control the universe to sway in my favor. One might even view a spell or enchantment as another form of prayer for that matter. I also believe that what you put into the ritual you will get out of it, that is, if it is the will of the universe. Spells don't always work like we want, just as a prayer may go un answered. Some things are and some things aren't meant to be. We cant know what is or isnt meant to be, so we seek to use our energies to change some thing in our favor. And yes, I have seen spells and enchantments work just as I have seen prayers answered.
Be fore warned though, if you try to do something to cause harm or to "control" another's will, it will backfire. Its just like saying a prayer with malice in your heart. What goes around gees around.
So, before you go out and spend tons of money on that super spell that promises the world, pause and think about how you can make changes to make that spell work best for you. A spell for more money isnt going to do you any good if you keep over spending. An enchantment for "true love" isnt going to get you that prince if you dont first take care of yourself.
After all, we can not know the will of the universe, but we can make changes in out lives to make those spells, enchantments and prayers work.

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