Saturday, September 10, 2011


This article is to help you decide what Creature, Spirit, Immortal, Dragon, Faery, etc. you are best suited to collect. If you are new to collecting or a seasoned collector looking to branch out what treasures are in your collection this will help guide you.
Collecting the right kind of entity can lead to a happy, well-balanced collection that yields the best rewards for both you and your entity. As with any human when you are happy you work faster, better, stronger and are more generous... it is the same for any being. You collect because you feel a connection or bond with the treasure and its inhabitant, you should make the most of your relationship.
You should always collect what you feel a calling to and this guide will help you towards the entities you are best suited for.
There are thousands of creatures and since we cannot cover each and every one of them we are going to cover the most widely collected, and when applicable we will list more rare creatures you should look for when they are available.
There are two types of entities in your collection... those you collect because they are like you and remind you of what you like about yourself... andthose who provide you rewards you otherwise would not have.
Before you start have a piece of paper and a writing instrument to record your answers to each question. Record the number following your answer and at the end total the numbers to find what entities you are best fitted for.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Begin of Query:
When I have time to myself I:
Spend time in meditation - 1Practice my spellcasting - 2Write or read, paint, play/sing music - 3Work on money-making hobbies or work for your job - 4Study or teach others on any topic - 5Spend time thinking about or helping family, loved ones, or strangers - 6Spend time in physical activity - 7
The emotion I feel I experience most is:
Ethereal - 1Power - 2Love - 3Ambition - 4Anxiety - 5gepassion - 6Guardian - 7
From these my favorite color is:
Yellow - 1Brown - 2Pink - 3Red - 4Orange - 5Purple - 6Black - 7
From these if I were to transform myself into an animal it would be:
Dove - 1Cat - 2Peacock - 3Horse - 4Owl - 5Dolphin - 6Dog - 7
The perfect greeting to another person is:
Eye contact - 1Nod - 2Kiss - 3Handshake - 4Pat on the back - 5Hug - 6Smile - 7
From these my favorite part of the earth is:
Sky - 1Soil - 2Grass - 3Sand - 4Wind - 5Water - 6Fire - 7
End of Query. Please total your numerical answers and reference your total score below.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you score is between: (entities marked with an * are not as gemon)
6-11The entities you are best suited for:Click to See Creatures Available
Chinese FoxClick to See Immortals Available
Anubis Egyptian god of the DeadKhepri Egyptian god of RebirthKhnum Egyptian god of CreationNephthys Egyptian goddess of Protecting the DeadNut Egyptian Sky goddessOsiris Egyptian god of the DeadRa Egyptian god of the SunThoth Egyptian god of Knowledge/Connection to MoonEos Greek goddess of RebirthHades Greek god of the UnderworldHelios Greek god of the SunPersephone Greek goddess of the Underworld
12-17The entities you are best suited for:Click to See Creatures Available
PegasusClick to See Dragons Available
Blue DragonBrass DragonBronze DragonGreen DragonWhite DragonChinese Teacher DragonClick to See Faery Available
NymphsMermaidsFaeriesHippogryphClick to See Immortals Available
Loki Norse god of MagicSif Norse goddessAmun Egyptian king of the godsIsis Egyptian goddess of Powerful MagicHera the Greek goddess wife of ZeusHypnos Greek god of SleepKirke Greek goddess of Potions

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