Monday, July 20, 2009

Wow, Just Wow. WWYD Re: Response to This Email?

I honestly am sitting here shellshocked at the tone of this email I just received. I would never in a hundred million years knowingly deceive someone. I'm just speechless at this point. I considered simply refunding and letting her keep the dress, but honestly, I would prefer the dress back if I do refund. Besides that, I don't think a fvf credit would even work in doing a mutual. Based on the tone of her email I don't think she'd even agree to it. I haven't as yet responded because my initial response would likely be an unprintable knee jerk reaction and I don't want to do that. But in an attempt to be diplomatic, how would you all respond to this email, or would you even respond at all? For what its worth I've never been to the country she suggested and I've never mentioned my feedback in any of my listings because that could change on a dime with just one pms'ed person! and she writes: Not especially appreciative about all your "vintage" references in the description when in hand the garment is obviously new. The 100% positive reference in your description is deceptive because a neutral or negative from the buyer is not acceptable. Am keeping the dress because I like it enough to wear. Just don't appreciate being fooled. I was bidding on a vintage piece. Considering this a lesson learned. Really wanted vintage with the smaller stitches and better made garment. Will not buy from you again. Hey, have a good time on your next trip to Oaxaca when you pick up your next load of "vintage" newly made garments. May want to tell the embroiderers to at least clip their stitches when through with a color a little closer to the fabric so it's not so obviously new. But I'm sure you're not really worried about that anyway.

Orignal From: Wow, Just Wow. WWYD Re: Response to This Email?

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