Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pinup bathing suits (collector question)

My mother really wants to go to Spain, so everybody's birthday and Christmas present is that we are all going to Barcelona in August. I am not complaining-- I think it's a great idea. However there is the eternal question of what to wear. I think I want a vintage bathing suit (European attitudes towards nudity notwithstanding). My plan was to wear an old bikini top of my mother's with a pair of boy shorts, now available by themselves in contemporary stores, but it she seems to have lost it. -How difficult or expensive is it to replace that gathers/ "smocking" that some suits have on the sides? -The other issue is replacing the lining, because I know that you can wash it so that it is sterile and all, and I know that my being grossed out is a culturally constructed taboo, but I just can't get past it. -How difficult/expensive is it to replace the lining in a one-piece? A bikini? -What about the bra? I have heard that the material in some of the cups can decay into something that is not good for you, plus I do not have the assets for most of the bras that come in vintage bathing suits anyway. -how do people feel about this type of alteration? It seems to me that, if what you replace the lining with is something less reactive, it could still fall in the category of restoration/preservation, especially if you keep records of what you are doing, and I am that much of a dork. And finally... - Is it just me or do midcentury Jantzen bathing suits seem to run big? P S I would never let a vintage bathing suit come into contact with pool water. However, it may not be much of an issue, as I have no intention of letting my below-waist-length hair come into contact with pool water either, and I don't know that I could get it into a swim cap. PPS Now that I think of it, how do you use a swim cap, if I do decide to get a conventional swimsuit?

Orignal From: Pinup bathing suits (collector question)

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