Saturday, August 29, 2009

Way OT: What is with the weather lately?

Okay, this is crazy, but not necessarily a bad thing and I will get to that on a second, but seriously... I live in Middle Georgia in the Southeast United States, and you can pretty much bet good money that by May 10th you will be sweltering and having to start up your AC for the first time.... But it is almost June and we have yet to use it, which is a good thing, cuz hey...saves money... I cannot remember such a cool and mild (and rainy) May before! We have had our windows open since late-February and have yet to run the AC, it is very cool, which is weird for this area since we sit in a valley and it tends to get gross around here from April to September.. Any other 'southeners' weirded out, yet oddly grateful for the weather lately?

Orignal From: Way OT: What is with the weather lately?

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