Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Super OT: No Vintage Here! The ANYTHING OT THREAD! Sound Off!

Hi y'all! Been thinking about starting this thread and what can I say? The time has come. I love my Vinties and want to chat sometimes...however I feel weird starting OT threads when even a few people whine about it. So! Here it is. Want to gossip? Want to gripe about boyfriends/husbands/friends/fellow boardies/customers/whomever? Want to get a PID and post a pic of Zombies to ECW or just rip up another seller? Want to talk to the air and voice your random thoughts? Had too much to drink and just feel like letting loose? Got into a great discussion on someone elses thread and completely hijacked it? (Hey! I do it all the time. Maybe say, lets meet on the OT thread and finish this matter..or not! I'm certainly not one to judge !) You have ARRIVED! This is the place for you. I won't ask questions if your rant seems Nike would say JUST DO IT! AND...guess what? If you chose to start a OT thread outside of this thread? Who cares? I most certainly DO NOT! I just thought it might be fun for a place for us to say whatever comes to mind or as a place to come to keep other threadsunder control? What do you think? I have plenty to say so I'll be talking to myself no matter what anybody else thinks anyways . 1....2...3....Go!

Orignal From: Super OT: No Vintage Here! The ANYTHING OT THREAD! Sound Off!

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