Thursday, August 6, 2009

Question about current traffic etc

Hi guys. Hopefully everyone is having much better luck than I. I have not seen any posts on current sales, so I have a few questions. Maybe it is just mine, but since 2001 I have not ever had a period with no bids until now.. I have even stopped listing auctions, which is probably in a way shooting myself in the foot, and just listing store items with only a hand full of auction listings. My auctions are ending with minimal watchers, no bids. My store listings have watchers, and get best offers for about (I cringe) 80% off list price. Hey, why not try, if I was buying right now I would, so I certainly don't judge people for that one. Anyway, Is it just me? I hate to ask because I know it is not wise to compare on seller to another for many reasons. However, I had to take a bit of a ebay vacay and was not selling for a bit. Since selling again for some time now, things are very different. Is it just a down time right now? Just me? Any suggestions or words of wisdom to keep me from eating my fingernails and smashing my keyboard lol? I am trying to learn the new time trends etc as it is very different from the early years. Even different than a few years ago. Now, don't flame me please, I am sincerely trying to learn, so if this question is a no no, just forgive me in advance. It seems there are a lot of established sellers that have left. Is it because of the rule changes, or traffic, ?? Also, could somebody fill me in on where perhaps one would go (cough cough) if one were to sell elsewhere? If it is bad to post it here, if someone would be so kind to shoot me an email, I would be most appreciative.!!!!Oh, and forgive my posting id. I had a very strange seller that kept taunting me from another board many moons ago, so I decided to do what my mama taught me and "always use protection" lol! Wishing you all green.

Orignal From: Question about current traffic etc

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