Thursday, September 17, 2009

A couple questions about this leather jacket...rockstar?

Hi to you all. Ok this jacket was custom made in Argentina, by an upscale bussiness that now has stores here in the US. This one is late 80s or so I believe. This store does customs orders and between their customers are the Rolling Stones and other performers. ANYWAY, the jacket is red, with some kind of texture on it? and the hem is all make like it was slashed and ripped and passed to a blender (is all I can think right now, sorry, I really could not come up with other description right now). The made with these insert pieces? like little triangles...I always remember how that is called....gores I guess is that correct? do you think with a leather jacket....that would be a good term to describe? ANd finally...all I can think as a descriptor is rockstar jacket. I really don't know if that would be a good description else to call a coat like this one? thanks. Here is one pic....I have to still fix my pix so this is all I have right now. The jacket is a bigger 12 or 14. Thanks in advance for your help.

Orignal From: A couple questions about this leather jacket...rockstar?

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