Friday, September 25, 2009

Do You Dry Clean EBay Items?

I'd like to sell a few vintage clothing items on ebay which have been acquired at auctions etc., but I'm not sure how to go about cleaning some of them up. I'd hesitate to wash most of these pieces as the water may ruin the material. They range from truly antique to just neat old pieces. Do sellers of antique/vintage clothing dry clean the pieces prior to listing? I'm very wary of doing that because of the expense. The last time I had a jacket cleaned the cost was well over $10 and I can't be sure the piece will sell. Also, some pieces just don't lend themselves to dry cleaning. I have some fabulous beaded pieces and I'd never leave them with a cleaner. How do other sellers deal with this issue?

Orignal From: Do You Dry Clean EBay Items?

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