Friday, September 11, 2009

Is this dress from the 30s? If not then what era? Thanks!

Is this dress from the 30s? It appears much older than the dresses I am use to dealing with and I had a hard time determining which photos to include. I'll include a few in the next post but here's a link to my photobucket album which has a zillion photos of this dress and the construction. I had a hard time with the lighting and some are overexposed (?). It has a metal zipper that looks like it says "conmar". I think the fabric is a rayon and there are no tags in the dress. Link Thanks! VickyWhen the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Orignal From: Is this dress from the 30s? If not then what era? Thanks!

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